Monday, October 8, 2012

Romney Wades Into the Foreign Policy Waters

WASHINGTON — Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is proposing the U.S. take a more assertive role in Syria, put conditions on aid to Egypt and tighten sanctions on Iran as he looks to use a planned foreign policy address to paint President Barack Obama as a weak leader who has limited America’s influence on global affairs.
Declaring that "it’s time to change course in the Middle East" and accusing Obama of "passivity," Romney plans to call Monday for the U.S. to work with other countries to arm rebels in Syria with weapons that can defeat the "tanks, helicopters and fighter jets" that make up President Bashar Assad’s army.
I was surprised to find this relatively bias free piece on Romney's foreign policy positions.  It's a good start.  For the last four years, the US foreign policy positions have been non-existent, or hidden from public view.  President Obama's theme has been to avoid spreading any undue influence throughout the world...just another seat at the table approach.  That's not who we are.

The United States has always been a leader, and advisor throughout the globe.  A lot of those positions reflected the specific interests and goals of our country, but no few of them were on a humanitarian basis because it was the right thing to do.

The AP does show a little bit of bias in this paragraph:

In the fall, Romney faced criticism for his hurried and harsh reaction to news of protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and the near-simultaneous attacks in Libya. Before the administration knew of Stevens’ death, Romney criticized Obama for sympathizing with the attackers. In the aftermath, top Republicans — including Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., the 2008 presidential nominee — urged Romney to give a speech laying out his vision for U.S. foreign policy.
The AP fails to point out that Romney's "hurried and harsh reaction" was dead on correct and eloquent as well as biting.  So, yeah...he faced criticism from the AP and just about every other liberal media outlet because it made President Obama look like a complete failure sticking to his internet video caused all the unrest position.   On top of that, I can pretty much say without equivocation, no one gives a crap what John McCain says, with the exception of the media.

Coming up in the not too distant future, the foreign policy Presidential Debate looms.  I keep reading all these anticipatory Op/Ed's from the usual liberal suspects stating that Obama will come back swinging.  I suppose it's unfortunate that he really hasn't had a foreign policy position worth noting short of egregious mistakes, oversights, and insulting of our allies. 

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